How to change your mindset and achieve your goals

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][fusion_text]If you know me you’ll know I’m not a ‘woo-woo’ sort of person. I’m not into crystals, or moon phases and I never thought I bought into the ‘law of attraction’. But I did. I just didn’t call it that.

Simply put the law of attraction is the ability to bring whatever you are focussing on into your life. You might have heard it referred to as ‘manifesting’. I always think ‘manifesting’ sounds like a magical power to make anything you want appear out of nowhere.

Unfortunately it’s not that straight forward but it is something everyone can do.

Change your mindset and achieve your goals

All my life I’ve attracted big exciting things into my life by being single minded about pursuing them. When I’ve really wanted something I’ve always made it happen.

Here are a few things I’ve attracted into my life:

  • A dream trip around the US by myself when I was 19.
  • A three year ‘working holiday’ in Australia when I was 23.
  • My own flat in London at the age of 26.
  • My dream job on a magazine when I was 30.
  • Australian permanent residency at the age of 37 – then citizenship at the age of 42.
  • A beautiful daughter as a single mother by choice at the age of 39.
  • My gorgeous three bedroom house, a stone’s throw from my mum, when I was 43.

In retrospect I’ve realised that in pursuing these goals I adopted a very similar approach each time. Here’s what I did:

1. Publicly state what you want.

If you’re clear and open about what you want, no matter how ridiculous you think it might look to other people, you prime the universe to send what you want your way.

When I told everyone I was saving up to buy a ticket to Sydney after I graduated from university, suddenly a family friend had spoken to a contact of his who happened to be one of Sydney’s richest business men who arranged for me to stay in a harbourside apartment when I arrived and lined me up a job!

2. Be single-minded.

Don’t let anything get in your way or sway your opinion. Other people won’t agree with what you want to do, they might think you’re taking a risk that scares them. But it’s not their life. Let them make decision about their own lives, not yours.

My mum didn’t want me going to the US alone when I was 19, she also didn’t want me going to Australia four years later – she thought I was going to get cut into pieces by Ivan Milat, the backpacker murderer – but I didn’t let that stop me.

3. Face any obstacles

Be realistic about the potential pitfalls and research the shit out of every last one of them. Only then can you know if it’s really a problem or not. Usually it’s not and you can move past it.

I nearly didn’t embark on solo motherhood because I didn’t think I could afford it. Then I closely examined my financial situation, and researched all the payments I was entitled to – maternity leave, benefits, childcare rebates (I was in Sydney at the time) – and realised the financial outlook was easily manageable.

4. Take inspired action.

Look up the price of plane tickets and start saving. Make appointments with letting agents. Tell your friends what you’re doing. Announce it on Facebook. Quit your job before you’re ready. These are all things I’ve done at one time or another and this kind of inspired action firmly states to the universe what you want and that you’re damn serious about it.

5. Be open to receiving what you yearn for.

You are the biggest barrier to your own success. It’s not your family stopping you, it’s not your partner or your lack of money. It’s you. Often we’re more afraid than we realise of getting what we want. Once you own up to this and get out of your own way, anything is possible. This my friends, is the hardest part.

[Tweet “”You are the biggest barrier to your own success. Get out of the way & anything is possible.””]

There’s one achievement missing from the list I shared at the start of this post.

A year and a half ago I found myself in another job I hated, commuting two hours a day and juggling child care. My daughter was about to start a school that didn’t have before and after school care, so I found myself at an impasse.

Resign myself to spending the next seven years of primary school relying on my mum and childminders, and not being able to show up to my daughter’s school plays and parents’ evenings? Or follow a long-held dream to work for myself and fit work around school hours?

But I was a single parent – wasn’t it irresponsible of me to consider swapping a well-paid reliable salary for the insecurity of self-employment?

I hated my job, I hated commuting but I felt guilty asking for more.

What if I failed? What if I couldn’t pay the bills? What if, what if what if! I couldn’t get out of my head long enough to get out of my own way.

Then I discovered Denise Duffield-Thomas and her Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp. Denise is an amazing money mindset mentor who has helped me understand how to deliberately use the law of attraction to achieve my goals and get the life I want.

I realised that while I was already a fantastic manifester – look at what I’d already attracted into my life! – I had huge mindset shifts to make if I wanted to rise to the challenge of life as self-employed single mother.

I read Denise’s book, Lucky Bitch, while I was on holiday in Italy in June last year and something just clicked. I recalled all the mountains I’d already climbed and knew I could do it again if I set my mind to it. When I got home I signed up for her Money Bootcamp and on my first day back at work handed in my notice to my boss. The die was cast.

A year on and I am living the life that then seemed like am out-of-reach dream. I work when I want, with who I want and from wherever I want – and most importantly I get to take my daughter to school every day and go to every single nativity play and parents’ evening. I’ve still got a long way to go with my business, but I’m massively proud of how far I’ve come.

What made the difference?

I got crystal clear about what I wanted, cleared my self-doubts, took action  and absolutely believed that I could do it.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

Want to know more about the law of attraction?

Denise has a fantastic free manifesting course that will give you a taste of what the Lucky Bitch approach is all about. But be warned – its powerful stuff! Be ready for a life-changing experience.

Got any questions, comments or insights? I’d love to hear them. Let’s chat in the comments below!

Ta-ra for now!





ps. I am proud to be affiliate for Denise’s Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp because it has been a massive help to me and I know it can help you too. If you follow the links in this post to Denise’s site and end up buying the Money Bootcamp I will get commission on that sale at no extra expense to you.


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