Life lessons learned the hard way

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I’m willing to bet you that whatever that lesson is it wasn’t the result of one of the more joyful periods of your life, but one of the most painful. The latter is certainly true for me.

In 1993 when I was 21 the solid foundations of my, until then, very stable and secure life collapsed with very little warning. The world became a place I barely recognised and had no idea how to cope.

It took me many years to recover from what is still the biggest heartbreak of my life. Twenty-three years later, I’m not sure I’ve ever fully recovered. But what I do know that from that experience I became a better person and learned the lesson that has shaped my life and made me who I am. It’s why I do what I do, why I live the way I live and why I am the person you see before you.

I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t experienced those dark days.

Watch the video to find out more about the defining event of my life and its silver lining.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][fusion_youtube id=”G2dqjKi5hcY” width=”853″ height=”480″ autoplay=”no” api_params=”” class=””/][fusion_separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”10px” bottom_margin=”10px” sep_color=”” border_size=”” icon=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” width=”” alignment=”center” class=”” id=””/][fusion_text]In case you’re wondering I made this video during a video challenge I took part in a couple of months ago (a highly recommended experience).

Out of the 30 videos I made this one got the most views and the best response from my fellow participants. That experience taught me that I should share more of ‘myself’ here because far from being boring it’s what people respond to the most.

What does it have to do with social media or copywriting? Not alot. But it gives you a little window into my world, a little view of life from my perspective that I’m sure more than a few of you can identify with.

Now it’s your turn. Tell me about the most important lesson in life you’ve learned? Was it the hardest won? How long did it take for you to see the silver lining? Is there a defining event of your life that has made you a better person or shown you a better path?

Please share your experiences and hard won wisdoms in the comments. I promise to respond to every one.

Ta-ra for now!



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