5 awesome single mum blogs to bookmark today!

Are you a single mum looking for inspiration? These awesome single mum blogs are a great place to start.

I’ve already written about one of my fictional single mum mentors, Lorelai Gilmore. But thankfully there are also real life single mums I look to for inspiration, and understanding. Regular single mums like you or I or also happen to be trailblazers making their mark on the blogging world by writing about their unique experiences of being a single parent.

Single parenting can be a lonely business. And in a world full of couples it can feel like we’re the only ones struggling on alone. There’s no-one to offload to at the end of the day, or to lend a hand in the middle of the night when there’s a screaming child and vomit on the bathroom floor.

Reading about the experiences of other single mums gives us something precious. The realisation that we are not alone.

We can laugh with them, cry with them and yell ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ when we recognise ourselves in these strangers on the internet.

Just as crucially, these women are doing their bit to shift our culture’s negative impression of single mums. These women are far from dole-bludging victims. They’re taking the lemons life has thrown them and making fantastic lemonade.

Here are my five favourite single mum blogs:

Wealthy Single Mommy

I’m a huge fan of  Emma Johnson. She’s who I want to be when I grow up (except I’m pretty sure I’m older than her!). When Emma separated from her husband she realised there was a huge need for community, information and inspiration for women like her, professional single mums – or moms as they say over the pond.

Her whip-smart, straight to the point, take no prisoners blog is packed full of intelligent discussion, advice and tips for single mothers on finances, dating, and living a successful, happy life. She also runs a fantastic Facebook group, and a brilliant podcast, Like A Mother.

Leave your single mum stereotypes at the door.

Must-read post: 7 things I don’t give a sh#!t about as a single mum

Single Mom Income

Alexa Mason began chronicling her journey as a single mother when she was desperately trying to beat the vicious cycle of dead end jobs and paycheque-t0-paycheque living. Her down-to-earth blog shares practical ways to earn more money and save money, with a little of her daily life thrown into the mix.

It’s particularly useful if you’re looking for ways to earn money by working from home – offering step-by-step practical information about lots of creative and practical money-making ideas.

Must-read post: I’m barely scraping by, what should I do?

More Than Toast

Writer, digital consultant and single mother  Alice Judge-Talbot, started her blog when she became pregnant. When she separated from her husband three years ago she started writing about her experiences as a single mum.

Must-read post: What being a single parent feels like

Single Mother Ahoy

Vicky Charles writes openly and honestly about her experience of single motherhood, and in the past has also bravely written about experience of a mental breakdown and an abusive relationship. Now she writes engagingly about the fun she has with her daughter and the lessons she’s learned about having a positive mental attitude. She also runs and podcast and works as a ghost blogger, copywriter and social media trainer.

Must-read post: Is it hard being a single parent?

Confessions of a Single Mum

Kairen Varker waffles away about her life as a single mum to two teenagers, two cats and a veg patch as well her about her passion for being creative. Her life is sometimes funny, sometimes sad, always unpredictable and never dull. Something most single mums should recognise!

Must-read post: My top tips on coping as a single mum

I hope you’ll give these fabulous single mum blogs a read, and I hope they inspire you, challenge you and make you laugh, cry or at least register a spark of recognition. If so, comment, follow them on social media and let them know you appreciate their work.

Which single mum blogs do you enjoy reading? I’d love to know.

Tell me! Leave a comment, let’s chat!

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One Comment

  1. Great blogs. All the topics you shared are very well explained. I’m glad that i found your blog about mum.

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