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My 10 resolutions for a calmer, happier, healthier 2015

I’ve already lost count of the number of blog posts I’ve seen with similar heading to this over the last few days. Resolutions are such a cliche, but make them we do. There’s clearly something about a fresh, clean, new year that makes us also want to shake off the old and bring in the new. Begin again. Start afresh.

There’s something so hopeful and optimistic about this time of year, so as a born optimist I can’t help by join the positive outpouring of aspirations. Here are my ten resolutions for 2015:

  1. Keep joining in the fun (?) of burpees, lunges and hill sprints at Graft on the Green bootcamp sessions at least twice a week.
  2. Continue clean eating at least five days of the week. That means no sugar, no processed foods, no alcohol and limiting carbs to sweet potato, quinoa and bulgar wheat.
  3. Aim to drink two litres of water every day. This one lifestyle change is the key to kissing goodbye to lethargy for me – with more H2O on board I feel ten times more alert and clear-headed  so it’s well worth sticking with. I feel so much better when I’m following these first three goals – energised, fitter, slimmer – I making a promise myself not to undo all the good work I achieved before Christmas.
  4. Shout at my daughter far less. Be a calmer parent who doesn’t lose her shit and over-react about the small things like the ‘MY SOCKS ARE OUCHY!!!!’ battle that we seem to experience just before we leave the house on a daily basis). Instead I’ll try to find strategies to head off these clashes at the pass and pick my battles wisely – and calmly.
  5. Be kinder to everyone who matters to me. My mum, my brother, my closest friends. In the busy-busyness of life, it’s easy to lose site of how important even the smallest kindness can be – particularly if someone is having a bad day.
  6. Get organised. In my new house everything will have its place and be in its place. I will make it easy not to live in chaos. My bullet journal, and the Pinterest boards of household and organisation tips will help me achieve this long-standing goal. However, I promise not to become one of those scarily organised American women who have a ‘printable’ for every possible life scenario. Life is too short.
  7. Build up regular freelance work to boost my income every month. My budget will be tight with a mortgage to pay and all the associated bills that come with owning a house. A couple of extra projects a month will make it easier for me to afford to treat myself, and Poppet, to the fun things in life once in a while.
  8. Build my blog(s) by posting regularly and sticking with it. I’m good at intentions when it comes to blogging, I’m good at the planning and the vision – not so good at the hard slog. But I want this to work and to one day earn me some money, so without the pain there’s no gain. So let’s do this Emma.
  9. Give myself a body scrub twice a week in the shower, followed by a slathering of body lotion. Goodbye to dull, rough, dry skin – hello glowing, soft-skinned, dewy limbs.
  10. Floss in the shower every morning. At my age I can’t afford to neglect my gums if I want to still have teeth when i’m 60.

What are your resolutions for 2015? Have these given you any inspiration? Check in later in the year to see how I’m doing…

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  1. Great resolutions, and I’m sure you’ll accomplish them, they seem to be realistic unlike some i’ve seen on some blogs. I don’t tend to make them anyone, I would just like this year to be just as happy as last. I will be checking out the no sugar in my diet this year, I eat clean most of the time but I like a little sugar now and again. Did you use any book in particular? x

    1. Thanks Lotty – just realised I forgot one – a switch off night once a week. No screens allowed! Will have to edit to add it! As for the quitting sugar thing – I used a plan created by the trainers who run the bootcamp I go to. A 50 day challenge which meant no sugar (which also meant limiting fruit to berries mainly), no processed foods, no wheat. Loads of lean protein, green veg, quinoa, bulgar wheat, nuts etc. Loved it. I’ve also read quite a bit on the I Quit Sugar site, but I haven’t done their 8 week programme. x

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