
Single mum love in: awesome posts, a kickass book, the Moneybox app and more!

Singlemumlovein link roundup September 2017

Since I started this blog at the beginning of this year I’ve blown away by the supportive and inspiring community of single mum bloggers I’ve discovered. I loved reading their posts and the other awesome articles I come across that are breaking new ground when it comes to shattering the stereotype mould when it comes to single motherhood.

So I thought I’d kick off this new monthly round-up to feature and celebrate some of the awesome and inspiring posts and articles I come across as I scour the web researching single mum fabulousness!

I also thought it would helpful to share the great great resources, tips and advice I come across. Sometimes I think everyone must know about the things I discover already and am always a bit surprised when they don’t!

I see this series as a way to support the amazing community of inspiring single parent bloggers and advocates I’ve come across via this blog. I try and support them all through my social media accounts – mainly on Twitter, so do come and find me there!

[clickToTweet tweet=”Check out #SingleMumLoveIn – celebrating the ground-breaking mums shattering the #singlemum stereotype!” quote=”Check out Single Mum Love In – the monthly round-up celebrating ground breaking mums shattering the single mum stereotype!”]

Single mum inspiration:

44 things that make a single mom stronger than kryptonite – Worthy Living. I don’t know about you but I often marvel at how capable and independent single mums are. I firmly believe that having to cope alone helps you discover how strong and capable you are, so this article had me nodding along.

5 things I’ve learnt as a single parent – Ali In A Nutshell. Considering the above it’s no surprise that Ali has also discovered that she’s stronger, smarter, braver than she though she was.

Asking for help as a single parent – Single Mother Ahoy. I’ve shared this article a few times on Twitter because I think it’s so important. Learning how to ask for help is one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in the six years I’ve been a single mum. I tend to be reluctant to admit my vulnerabilities or that I need help, but as a solo mum I’ve HAD to do both.

6 ways to find your identity again as a single mum – The Single Mother Survival Guide. For mums that find themselves single after a relationship it can be daunting to find your way again, alone. This post by Julia Hasche gives some great tips for rediscovering yourself and start a new chapter of your life. No 5 is SO IMPORTANT!

7 reasons NOT to fight for money you’re owed from your ex – Wealthy Single MommyI’m not divorced it’s easy for me to claim I wouldn’t try and get everything I could financially from my ex. Who knows how I’d have responded in that situation. But I’m an independent sort so I’d like to think I choose to tie myself financially and emotionally to a man I’m no longer with.

Dating with kids – A litmus test for love – WomanSpeak. I’ve done a little bit of dating since I became a single mum, and for a short while I was in a relationship with a man who had kids. It was not a success. So I understand all the complexities of a relationship when kids are involved too. My ability to tolerate bullshit is certainly far lower than it once was, that’s for sure.

Is there a hierarchy of single mothers? – The Single Swan. I found this post eye opening. I must be very lucky because I’ve never experienced any negativity or stereotyping about my single parent status. Maybe I’m just too thick-skinned to even notice, let alone care, what people say behind my back. Any judgement is their problem, not mine. And throwing stones is a really bad idea when we ALL live in glass houses.

Single mothers by choice: meet the women who decided to have children alone – Stylist. This is a wonderful look at a wide range of women who found themselves choosing single motherhood. I particularly identified with the woman who said “I accepted that Happy Ever After with a man was not for me.” Accepting, and living with that, is still something I struggle with from time to time.

Single mum books:

The Kickass Single Mom: Be Financially Independent, Discover Your Sexiest Self, and Raise Fabulous, Happy Children by Emma Johnson

October sees the release of this awesome book by Emma Johnson from Wealthy Single Mommy. I’m a HUGE fan of her blog, and the book promises to be just as fabulous.

I’m in Emma’s Facebook group and was super excited to be invited to help her promote the book as a member of Kickass Single Mom Society! Not only do I get a sneak-peek of the book but I’ll also get to work with and learn from Emma. If ever there was a Kickass Single Mum – she’s it!

I’m reading a preview copy of the book at the moment and it’s full of great advice and wisdom that will inspire a generation of single mamas to aspire to great things. I’ll be publishing a review after the book is launched on 16 October, but why not pre-order your copy now.


Single mum money:

Struggle to save? I’ve always been a HOPELESS saver. But this year I’ve opened two stocks and shares ISAs, my first ever, with the Moneybox app. One is for my emergency fund and is a Junior ISA for my daughter.

Not only does Moneybox turn something I always found off-puttingly complicated into something simple, it also let’s you ’round-up’ your spending and siphon it off to your savings. So you automatically save a little every week.

For instance I paid £5.95 to Pact Coffee this week and so 5p got sent to each of my Moneybox accounts. Round-ups alone mean I save about £3 to £4 a week in each account, and I can top that up if I can afford it. And don’t worry you get to approve each round-up before it’s added to your weekly direct debit.

On Self-Employed Single Mum in September:

Thank you

To any of you who have mentioned, shared or commented on any of my posts – a BIG BIG thank you. It’s your support that keeps me writing this blog. Every time I get supportive comments and mentions on social media it’s spurs me on to write more.

I share most of the articles and resources I’ve mentioned here on Twitter, so come join me there and you’ll see just how much support and community there is out there for us single mamas.

You could also get my tips, advice, ramblings and (sometimes) wisdom straight to your inbox by entering your details in the box below – plus I’ll send you my free self-employment guide!

ps. got an article or blog post you’d like me to feature here? Tweet me!

Got a question? Leave a comment, let’s chat!

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One Comment

  1. You have a great selection of blog posts and resources here. Thank you for featuring me. Pen x

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