Blog income report June 2017

My blog traffic and income report for May 2017 | blogger income report, 2017 income report, business income report, May income report, blogging for beginners, blogging for money, make money blogging, self-employment ideas, freelance tips, blog traffic reportIt’s that time already – here’s my blog income report for June 2017.

As you’ll know if you read last month’s report, as I now have a part-time job, these reports are now the additional self-employed income I earn from this blog and my freelance clients.

I know many of you are probably starting out doing something on the side of your job-job, a ’side-hustles’ – so hopefully, you can relate to my set-up.

I still have big goals for this site, building my audience and developing different income streams so this will become a place to do that. I’ve added in a traffic report so I can record how my income increases alongside my traffic.

I hope that by sharing this, and the lessons I’m learning as I go, you can learn from what works for me, and what doesn’t.

Please note:

  • To accurately show the financial reality of self-employment I only show what actually came in and out of my account. So it’s not necessarily reflective of the work I did that month. Amounts are rounded up to the nearest £.

Blog income report June 2017

june 2017 blog income

  • Freelance copywriting and social media consulting: £0 (yep, really!)
  • Social media planner: £6 (again, yes really!)
  • Affiliate income: £0
  • Interest: £2

Total income = £8

June 2017 blog expenses

  • Merchant account fees £2
  • Bank/service charges: £9
  • Credit card interest: £13
  • TSOhost domain renewal : £12

Education & training

Advertising & promotion

Total expenses = £509
Net profit/loss = -£501

(Transferred to tax account = £0, paid myself = £0)

Another month in the red! Don’t worry, I have been doing some freelance work, I just haven’t invoiced for it yet. I transferred some money out of my savings account to cover the cost of Dare To Grow, XO Sarah’s growth course for bloggers. Again, I made an impulse purchase. I’m addicted to online courses!

So I did have to transfer some money out of my savings account to cover the cost of Dare To Grow, XO Sarah’s growth course for bloggers. Again, I made an impulse purchase. I’m addicted to online courses!

June 2017 traffic report

Blog traffic report June 2017

Blog traffic report June 2017Even though I only posted four times this month, my traffic went up by 57%, from 586 pageviews in May to 918 – so I nearly reached my goal this month which was to get back up to 1000 pageviews. The number of users went up by a whopping 62%. There are two reasons I had this success without posting more.

Firstly, my quotes for single mothers post has been getting consistent traffic from Facebook this month – getting 220 page views over a couple of weeks. I can only think that it was posted in a group or on someone’s page and been shared. So if it was you that shared it, thank you!

The second reason is that my post about dating caused a spike in traffic last week and I’m hoping it will continue to bring in search engine traffic as it seems to have struck a chord!

June 2017 posts

What I learned

Be more realistic. I’ve been constantly striving to get two or three months ahead of myself in terms of scheduling content on this blog. But I never get there. Then I get discouraged. One thing I’ve already learned from the Dare to Grow course is to be more realistic about the time I have and set a schedule I can stick to. So now I’m aiming to be at least a week ahead and I have a process that means hopefully I can stick to that and even get a big further ahead if I’m diligent enough.

Get the most important things done first. I had a couple of days when I was super-efficient about getting my most important tasks done first before moving on to anything else. As a result, I was able to spend my evening relaxing (ie. watching Poldark) instead of tinkering with blog posts.

Facebook is working for me. Even though I haven’t been prioritising Facebook as a social media channel I’m consistently getting more traffic from it than from Twitter.

What’s next?

  • Embed my blog process (and maybe write a blog post about it!)
  • Reach 1500 pageviews in July.
  • Get 100 new subscribers.
  • Reduce my expenses. I reviewed my regular outgoings this month and have cut out foreign exchange fees by moving everything to my new Monzo card. But now I need to do a cull of courses/programmes I don’t need anymore.

Got a question? Leave a comment – let’s chat!

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